What is Data?

 Data not just mean a four letter word now-a-days it's equivalent to million and billions of dollars.
 Yeah, you heard it right...! 
Data have become such a crucial thing.
It's indespenseable to analysis and managed your data properly which will give you a good information out of it and that one right decision via information can be a million and billion dollars. 
    In today's data market every purchase you make online, every website you click on using a browser and each move you make that trigger your location can be sold by a company some 2.5 quintillion bytes of data are created every day, a massive amount. Most of the data are harvested, stored and owned by large companies. When Facebook, Instagram and Twitter sell this data to advertising companies they get good sum of money out of it.
   Increasing amount of data in the rapidly expanding technological world of today makes the analysis of it much more exciting. The insights gathered from user data is now a major tool for the decision-makers. I also heard these days data is used to measure employee success! Wouldn’t appraisals be a lot more easier now?
         Word's like data analytics, big data, Artificial intelligence, machine learning all of this are base on data only, now you can release how important data is.

In this post not mention about data analysis or big data or related word's this post was just to let you know how much data is important for business to survive in today's compitetive world.
In next post we will see one by one about data analytics, big data, Artificial intelligence, and machine learning. 
            Hoping now you might know Data is not just mean a four letter word now-a-days it's equivalent to million and billions of dollars.
